can you get herpes from sharing a vape

Can You Get Herpes From Sharing A Vape?

Oral herpes has infected around 67% of people under 50 worldwide. That’s 3.7 billion! [Source: WHO, 2023]

As for genital herpes, it has affected 491 million people aged 15 to 49.

Most cases might come from direct contact with the infected person like kissing. However, some people get infected through an inanimate carrier, especially when shared.

Your vape can be a carrier too!

Technically, when you share a vape or use your friend’s device, the infected one leaves virus-filled saliva on the mouthpiece. This virus moves to someone healthy when they use the same vape. Consequently, they get infected.

Because sharing vapes involves mouths, you can get oral herpes mostly. Although chances are low, the risks remain.

Hence, you should know about the vape, the risk of herpes associated with it, and what you should do to protect yourself.

Related Read: Vaping Statistics 2024: Surprising Figures & Facts Revealed

All About Herpes

Herpes is a viral infection. The main culprit here is HSV i.e. herpes simplex virus. Such viruses primarily enter the body through contact with the infected person’s—

  • Skin.
  • Saliva.
  • Sores.
  • Blisters.
  • Bodily fluids.

[Source: Academia.oup]

The result— They bring on painful blisters and ulcers usually around the mouth and genitals.

Common Signs of Herpes

  • Blistering
  • Ulcers
  • Itchiness
  • Cold sore
  • Burning pain
  • Headache
  • Fever blisters

Herpes Types

There are 2 types of herpes based on the infection site–

HSV-1 i.e. Oral Herpes: HSV-1 involves the face or mouth. It can lead to small blisters in groups (cold sores or fever) or sore throat. Vape sharing can be one of the causes of oral herpes.

HSV-2 i.e. Genital Herpes: HSV-2 targets the genital areas. There might be minimal symptoms or blisters that break open and lead to small ulcers. 

How Herpes Gets Triggered

Such viruses often stay inactive in nerve cells. The symptoms appear when they reactivate. Different factors work to trigger the virus. For instance–

  • Stress
  • Illness
  • Exhaustion
  • Hormonal changes
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Weak immune system

It may take 2 to 20 days to show the symptoms. Some herpes might come even without any symptoms. For this, many don’t realize that they are infected. 

Sadly, the contagious virus is a lifelong condition with no cure. However, certain medications can lessen the symptoms. Then again, those with HSV can relapse, especially if their immunity is weak.

Diagnostic Methods

Although symptoms are one of the ways to detect the infection, there are proper diagnostic methods. Medical professionals may diagnose herpes through a blood or fluid sample swabbed from the infection.

Vaping and Its Growing Popularity

Vape has always been a simulation of traditional smoking but in an electronic way! After hitting the market in 2003, the features grabbed attention and instantly became popular.

[Image Source: FDA and NYTS]

Overview of Vaping


Vape is an e-cigarette— a device that works with the liquid to create smoke. The battery-operated e-cig powers the heating element (read: coil) through a button or inhalation. As you take a drag, the coil heats the juice in a little chamber. 

The juice contains ingredients like PG and VG that combine nicotine, flavorings, and other additives. When heated, it turns into a massive aerosol.

This vapor gets into your mouth— then your lungs when inhaled— and comes out as a big cloud when exhaled.

The density and composition of aerosol can vary based on the device and settings used.

Vapes come in different forms. There are- disposables, pods, mods, vape pens, and sub-ohms. Among them, the most common is disposable since they are easier to use and more budget-friendly.


Vape has become popular because of its unique features. These include—

  • Contemporary Approach
  • Probable Safety
  • Advanced Features
  • Various Flavors

An article by the FDA says— one in four people tends to vape daily.

Let’s explore the vapers based on age group.

Different surveys and statistics indicate that e-cigar use is more common in younger generations.

According to an NYTS survey conducted in 2022—- “1 in 4 American youth uses vape daily.

As you can see on the CDC stat that 13% of Americans aged 18-34 tend to vape. It’s 7% for people aged 35-49, 4% for people over 50. This shows new gen groups are more into vaping than senior citizens.

Another report by Forbes mentions that 11% of Gen Z belong to the largest subgroup of adult vaping users in the US. It’s about 3.4 million 18-24 year olds in numbers.

Common Practices Around Sharing Vapes

Social Aspects of Vaping

There’s a strong social factor that works when it comes to vaping. Most people, especially Gen Z consider it a way to interact with others and blend in the group. 

It acts like an indirect pressure they go through to be a part of the community. Some also start using vapes under the influence of peer pressure. That’s how they get involved in vaping culture.

In short, people see it as a kind of social activity. They share their vaping experiences, have fun with vaping tricks, try out new flavors, and bat around details on vaping gear. Vapers do all these to feel included.

That’s where the sharing of vapes comes from. This works like a social gesture you mostly see among friends.

Some common reasons why people share vapes include—-

  • To bond with friends.
  • To build connections.
  • To show generosity.
  • To save money.
  • To make someone try the flavors.
  • To help someone when they forget theirs.

Risks Associated with Sharing Personal Items

Sharing personal items can lead to sharing microbes— that’s the primary risk and hygiene concern.

This is also true for vapes.

When you use a vape, the mouthpieces touches your lips and mouth. This picks up saliva as well as germs or viruses you might have. So, if someone else uses the same vape, they get exposed to those microbes carried by the saliva.

The germs and viruses transfer to others through vape sharing and this brings on multiple health concerns. Viruses like cold sores, flu, and common cold present in saliva can be passed between people.

Consequently, they suffer from similar health issues and conditions you might have.

Can You Get Herpes From Sharing A Vape?

how herpes viruses transmitted

The Science Behind It

Transmission via Saliva

Saliva is one of the causes of an incredibly long list of virus transmissions. HSV is included too.

An infected person’s saliva is the main vehicle of the herpes virus. It can spread through a carrier—- be it a person or a thing like a vape when shared.

As an infected person uses a vape, it leaves the saliva containing the virus on the mouthpiece. The vape becomes a carrier of the HSV-1 and can spread to others or you when shared.

Such conditions show early symptoms— like itchiness, cold sores, and pain—- followed by severe painful blisters.

Some people may experience early symptoms, some may not. Such viruses mostly stay inactive in nerve cells and can get triggered later. Hence, it can take up to 20 days or more to show blisters.

For this, many people don’t realize they are infected and unknowingly spread the contagious virus to others through sharing.

Survival of Herpes Virus on Surfaces

The survival period of herpes mostly depends on the conditions, type, environment, and carrier.

Research shows that herpes can survive on inanimate surfaces for a few hours to 8 weeks. They live longer at colder temperatures and shorter on dry inanimate objects.

Because vape sharing can lead to HSV-1, let’s explore the survival of oral herpes on surfaces associated with the device.

Vapes mostly have plastic and metal parts.

As per NIH survey, HSV-1 from patients with oral lesions survived up to 2 hours on skin, 3 hours on cloth, and 4 hours on plastic.

Another survey mentioned that HSV lived up to 2 hours on metal and plastic surfaces.

This shows that herpes doesn’t live longer on inanimate objects.

Expert Opinions

Medical Perspectives

Technically, there’s a risk of transmitting herpes from sharing a vape. However, most healthcare professionals agree that the chance is relatively low.

The reason is that such viruses don’t live well on dry inanimate objects. Plus, the exposure to smoke and heat from the vape further lowers the viability.

However, it’s better to stay safe than sorry.

Make sure to know if you or the people you’re sharing vape are infected. That’ll reduce the chances of herpes transmission.

The best thing to do is to avoid sharing your vape!

Case Studies

The documented cases related to vape are rare. However, many studies revealed the risks of sharing personal items and the chances of oral infection. 

Here are two of the case studies.

Case Study 1

Oral Herpes in Children

A young child was suffering from a mouth infection. The main cause was herpetic gingivostomatitis.

The child had painful sores in the mouth and a fever.

Oral acyclovir (a med) was given.

It helped shorten the illness from 2 weeks to about 5-7 days and gave the child symptom relief.

Case Study 2

Recurrent Herpes Labialis in Adults

An adult with recurring Herpes Labialis had a new outbreak.

The sores were triggered by stress and sun exposure.

Symptoms included tingling, itching, and painful sores on the lip.

Treatment with oral valacyclovir and topical acyclovir reduced healing time to about 4-8 days.

This showed that timely antiviral therapy could speed up recovery.

(Source: Nongenital Herpes Simplex Virus by RICHARD P. USATINE, MD, AND ROCHELLE TINITIGAN, MD)

Preventive Measures

Avoid sharing personal items

Don’t you think you can drop the risk of HSV transmission to almost zero once you stop sharing personal items? Avoid sharing stuff like vapes, cigarettes, lip balms, and razors.

Sometimes it’s more ethical to be selfish to protect yourself and others from germs and viruses.

Cleaning and Disinfecting Vapes

Still have to share the device?

Then clean the vape and disinfect it with alcohol wipes or other disinfectants. Do it before and after each use to stay safe. This should lower the risk of herpes viral transmission.

CDC reports that ethyl and isopropyl alcohol at high concentrations can destroy viruses with lipid-rich cell walls. This includes herpes.

Spread Awareness

Before sharing vapes, try to educate yourself and others about the risks that sharing vapes carries. People might not know about the potential dangers.

Since vaping is one type of social activity and a way of communication, you can use it to spread awareness.

Here are some ways to raise awareness about herpes from vape sharing:

  • In-person discussion
  • Social media campaigns
  • Educational workshops
  • Public service announcements
  • Printed materials and articles

Make sure to do these:

  • Explain the risk
  • Promote personal use
  • Talk about the symptoms of herpes
  • Highlight the significance of hygiene

Myths and Misconceptions

Common Misunderstandings

Myth 1: Herpes Transmission via Casual Contact

People think that herpes can spread through casual contact, meaning a handshake, hug, or simply bro-fist.


No. Herpes doesn’t transmit via casual contact. It mostly spreads through direct contact with an infected person’s saliva, sores, or human fluids. However, herpes can move to other people through a carrier having infected saliva or the virus itself.

Myth 2: Vaping Leads to Oral Infections

Many believe that vaping leads to oral infections. This is true to some extent.


Yes. Vapes can result in oral infections. Some causes are:

  • Exposure to heat and electronics
  • Excessive use
  • Vape explosion
  • Microbes present in the vape
  • Toxins in smoke and e-juice

All these alter the microbiome- the community of microbes– in your mouth. This makes you prone to inflammation and infection.

Myth 3: Herpes is curable

Some people come up with different methods, treatments, and medications that make you believe they can cure herpes. 


No. Herpes isn’t curable. Certain treatments like medicines and ointments can help lower and treat the symptoms. 

Common antiviral oral medicines include—

  • Acyclovir.
  • Famciclovir.
  • Valacyclovir.

Common antiviral topical ointments include

  • Acyclovir.
  • Penciclovir.

The Role of Media and Public Perception

Sensational stories can initiate misconceptions about herpes and health risks. These are mainly tabloid and yellow journalisms that launch eye-catching and half-baked information. You can’t trust such details.

If you want to assess the dangers of sharing vapes, check credible sources. It can be–

  • Scientific research papers
  • Case studies
  • Literature and books
  • Investigative articles
  • Content from reliable sources
  • Statements from medical experts and doctors

Frequently Asked Questions

Can herpes be transmitted through sharing a vape?

Yes. The chances are relatively low. However, herpes can spread through sharing a vape with friends if infected saliva or virus is present on the mouthpiece.

How long can the herpes virus survive on surfaces like a vape?

The duration depends on the virus type, conditions, environment, and carrier. The herpes virus lives shorter on dry surfaces and in hotter temperatures. Oral herpes can survive on metal and plastic surfaces like on a vape for up to 2-4 hours.

What should I do if I accidentally share a vape with someone who has herpes?

First, don’t panic if you accidentally share a vape with someone with herpes. Follow this— Clean the mouthpiece right away. Monitor yourself for a month to see if there are any symptoms. Consult a healthcare expert or doctor.

Are there other diseases that can be spread by sharing vapes?

Yes. sharing vapes can spread different diseases. Common ones include– flu, cold sores, bacterial infections, and COVID.

How can I protect myself from infections when vaping?

Avoid sharing vapes— this is the safest way. The chance gets lower to almost zero. That way, you can protect yourself from infections when vaping. Also, make sure to clean and disinfect vapes regularly for extra protection.

Protect Yourself and Use Vapes Wisely

Herpes mostly spreads through direct skin-to-skin or saliva-to-saliva contact. However, it can also transfer indirectly through fomites.

Hence, the chances might be low but the risks of oral herpes transmission through vape sharing remain.

But you can protect yourself. Try to avoid sharing vapes or using someone else’s device. If you guys still want to share, clean and disinfect the vape before and after sharing.

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